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We need a new vision for our railways, no matter who owns them

Writing a guest piece for the newspaper, RDG Chief Executive Paul Plummer says that the way we run and regulate our railways needs a fundamental overhaul. He calls for a “once in a generation reform” of the industry. Plummer argues that greater devolution is needed to realise the benefits of an integrated transport system, with fewer decisions taken in Westminster and more power given to local representatives. He says: “The private sector, working with the public sector, has a vital role to play in delivering a better railway and, in the right conditions, can inspire a new generation of innovation, investment and, crucially, unity. But that requires the way we run and regulate our railways to be fundamentally overhauled.

“We don’t have all the answers, but we know that a new model for our railways must have passengers at its heart and objectives must be aligned. We want governments and political parties of all colours to join us and re-imagine a railway fit not just for today but for the next two decades.”

We've read it in: The Times August 16 2018, Online