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Give Mark a break, rail managers need support

Back in July, GTR Head of Network Operations Mark Boon was photographed taking two seats in First Class, having just told Standard Class commuters to stay out of the carriage. The story was covered in both Metro and the Mail Online. PT’s Mystery Traveller Alex Warner has known Boon for many years and argues that the portrayal of him as an “arrogant” and “aloof” railway manager is unfair when he was protecting the interests of paying First Class passengers. He says: “Mark Boon is one of the good guys - customer-focused to the core and a credit to his employer. It’s sad and wrong that he, of all people, is portrayed as the epitome of all the customer service ills of the railway during its recent travails. Boon and others need help right now and this is a priority that cannot be glossed over in the desire to focus on the basics of getting trains to run on time and profitably so.”

We've read it in: Passenger Transport July 20 2018, p20