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More focus needed on the passenger

UITP calls for a more customer-focused approach - Secretary General of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) Alain Flausch calls for a better balance between subsidy and fares to adopt a more customer-focused approach on the railway. He makes the very succinct point that “failure to develop efficient transport networks condemns cities to years of worsening road congestion and pollution making them increasingly unattractive places to work and live and damaging their competitiveness”. Flausch wants to see operators pay more attention to the needs of passengers: “Many operators are still run by engineers, but if you mix this with marketing and human resources skills, it is possible to change the attitude of the organisation.” It is often said that the railway needs to work harder for the passenger and marketing the benefits of the railway is key to this. - SB

We read it in: International Railway Journal, June 2015, page 58