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Have we finally pushed rail passengers too far?

Alex Warner questions whether the recent fare rises were one step too far for many passengers. He says: “Like the Rail Delivery Group, I usually put a positive spin on the annual January rise to convince myself most of the time, but this time a threshold was breached when I paid for an Anytime Travelcard for the 14 miles into London from Shepperton and it cost me over 25 smackers.” Warner says that rail is playing into the hands of those advocates of alternative ways of working, such as conference calls by phone…” His parting words are: “I just bring to your attention my own antenna that the unease in the industry is more deep-seated than at any time since the post Hatfield/Network Rail meltdown of 2000 onwards.”

We read it in: Passenger Transport, January 19 2018 (Issue 176)