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Grants back cross-border links

The European Commission has selected 135 transport projects (out of 399 applications) as eligible for co-funding grants totalling 5.4 billion euros (£4.6bn), under the latest Connecting Europe Facility call for proposals.

Funding has been allocated to various cross-border projects, as the Commission reiterated its objective of completing the TEN-T core network by 2030 and the comprehensive network by 2050, helping the EU to deliver its climate objectives under the Green Deal.

Rail projects include the 11-mile Fehmarn Belt tunnel (linking the Danish island of Lolland with northern Germany) and Rail Baltica (linking Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with the European standard gauge network in Poland).

A Memorandum of Understanding was also signed to support the reopening of the 23km cross-border route between Berezyne in the Ukraine and Basarabeasca in Moldova, which has been disused for 25 years.

We've read it in Railway Gazette International - August 2022, p9