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Ban Starbucks from stations

Ban Starbucks from stations

The ASLEF union has urged Network Rail and the Government to ban Starbucks from railway stations “until the company pays the tax it should on profits it makes in this country”. The call came after its emerged that Starbucks’ UK-based business apparently paid £18.3 million in tax last year, while paying £348m in dividends to its parent company in the United States. 

ASLEF General Secretary Mick Whelan said it was wrong to ask passengers who pay fares and taxes to subsidise profitably global companies such as Starbucks, which operates 1,000 stores in the UK but “chooses to declare its profits in other places”.

He added: “Starbucks benefit from our infrastructure, so it is only right that they pay their fair share of tax.”

We've read it in: ASLEF Journal, August 2019, p8