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Ashington reopening

Ashington reopening

Proposals to restore passenger services on the freight-only Ashington, Blyth and Tyne line appear to have moved a step closer following a visit from Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling. 

Grayling travelled on a special train from Morpeth with local councillors and representatives from Railfuture, Network Rail, Northern and Transport for the North, before speaking to journalists at Bedlington station. 

According to Railfuture, campaigners were sworn to secrecy over the visit. Committee members of the South East Northumberland Rail User Group were also kept in the dark. 

Northumberland County Council has since approved £3.5 million to progress the reopening, with a target reopening date in 2022.

We've read it in: Railwatch, April 2019, p2