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Simpson: more electrification vital to decarbonise rail freight

Further electrification is vital for rail freight to decarbonise, says Rail Freight Group Director General Maggie Simpson.

“We need more investment in the overhead electrified network. Rail freight can play a significant part in decarbonising freight in the UK - particularly on trunk routes,” Simpson told a Smart Transport online seminar on April 9, on the challenges and opportunities for the freight and logistics industry over the next 30 years.

She said that the COVID-19 pandemic had “focused minds” on why freight is important, adding that rail freight today emits 76% less CO2 than road haulage.

Simpson also took the opportunity to highlight the ease of access into city centres that rail freight often enjoys: “Rail can get into city centres. Day in, day out, rail freight is getting into them, often for construction. It may not look like the sexiest operation you’ve seen - but it is fundamental.”

  • For the FULL story, read RAIL 903, published on April 22, and available digitally now.

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  • Leon whitfield - 21/04/2020 11:30

    Be fantastic if they electricfy oxford to Birmingham. Then can use freight all the way to Southampton. And if theres a crash diversions be much easier to paddington or euston

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