The first ScotRail High Speed Train arrived in Scotland on August 17, some six months later than planned.
Delays to the refurbishment of Mk 3 coaches at Wabtec Rail, Doncaster meant that SR’s plan to introduce HSTs on the Aberdeen-Edinburgh route at the start of the May timetable was missed.
Refurbished 43169/183 hauled four coaches north to Haymarket depot.
SR had planned that the first HST would arrive in Scotland in February for staff training ahead of its entry into traffic. The operator has been training with unrefurbished HST Mk3s since last autumn.
Chris Tait, ScotRail’s High-Speed Trains Project Manager, said: “I’m delighted that the first of our iconic trains has arrived in Scotland. They will transform rail travel in Scotland by providing more seats and a much-improved on-board environment.”
George Davidson, Transport Scotland’s Rolling Stock Manager, said: “This is an important milestone in our efforts to improve capacity on our rail services, alongside an enhanced passenger experience. It’s great to see the first of these trains arrive in Scotland and I’m sure they will make a great addition to the ScotRail fleet.”
- For the FULL story, read RAIL 860, published on August 29, and available digitally on Android/iPad from August 25.
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Msa - 21/08/2018 18:38
It arrived from where ? China?
Li Yun - 16/09/2018 12:26
England, obviously...
AndrewJG8918 - 21/08/2018 19:16
ScotRail could inherit few more of the Class 43’s to replace the Class 68’s used on the Fife Circle services.
Abellendio - 10/09/2018 04:30
Scotland again getting the rough of Westminster, these trains should be scrapped and high quality put in place - the shocking policy of new trains for Glasgow - Edinburgh lines only is a disservice to a country like AU that is mainly coastal as is its remaining train lines. Serveral HST are sitting on the side tracks at Dundee doing nothing, just like DoT England for Scotland. We already part paid for Serco to get new trains out for sleeper services, but damn everyone using day services with some recycled past it trains. Honestly England doesn’t know how good it’s train system is, it gets massive investment - CrossRail ? Where’s £15 billion for Scotland or Wales ? Scotland can’t even get new trains for travel between its 7 main cities. I certainly hope Caledonian MacBride take over from Abellendio ScotFail because it’s the only way our trains network is going to get investment it’s needed that England politicians don’t give a hoot for - a country that is dependent on most of its land mass not being over subscribed needs a good train service WITH good trains. Are we just meant to be happy LNER came in-house again to serve Scotland to duwn suuth.