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Network Rail and development partner to regenerate brownfield site in Derby

Outline planning permission has been granted to Network Rail to develop a 50-acre brownfield site known as Derby Triangle.

NR will work with St Modwen to regenerate the land adjacent to Derby’s Pride Park development, in a scheme that will deliver 780,000 sq ft of office, warehouses and industrial space as well as a pub, restaurant and car showroom.

Around 3,3000 permanent jobs are expected to be created once occupation of the first new commercial spaces begins at the end of 2018.

Outline planning consent is now subject to the completion of Section 106 and Section 278 agreements, which are expected to be completed by the end of August. As part of the planning agreement, NR and St Modwen will make financial contributions to the A52 Wyvern Transport Improvement Scheme being carried out by the City Council to enhance road access to the site and its links with the motorway network.

David Biggs, Managing Director, Network Rail Property, said: “We are working in close collaboration with our development partner St Modwen to progress this ambitious project, which promises to deliver thousands of new jobs and provide vital commercial space in Derby. Our partnership approach to unlocking land is something we are replicating across the country to support economic growth and encourage wider regeneration in our towns and cities.” 

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