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Industry leaders to join conference on Smart Transport

Leaders and policymakers in the transport sector and in national and regional government will gather at the Birmingham ICC on September 18 for the second Smart Transport Conference.

Organised by RAIL’s fellow Bauer Media title Smart Transport, the conference aims to connect the policies set out by the public sector with the capabilities presented by the private sector.

Keynote speakers will include the Department for International Trade’s Chief Scientific Advisor Dr Mike Short, and Director of Energy, Technology and Innovation at the Department for Transport Richard Bruce.

Topics will include why the UK is the best place in the world to develop smart transport solutions, how the move towards zero-emissions vehicles can be achieved, and how public and private sector collaboration is key to achieving shared mobility services.

Stephen Joseph, former Campaign for Better Transport chief executive and chairman of Smart Transport, said: “Smart Transport starts from challenging the silos in transport and mobility - between local and national, public and private, the motor industry and transport services - and seeks to break them down and get people talking.

“The Smart Transport Conference, with its focus on understanding the pressures on national and local governments, backed up by collaboration and partnership between private and public sector organisations, showcases the debate on what innovation and technology can do to make transport better for all.”

For a full list of speakers, topics, and to book your place, visit

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