A dedicated train of Mk 3s cascaded from East Anglia is planned for ‘A1’ steam locomotive 60163 Tornado. The train is expected to enter service towards the end of 2019.
The locomotive’s owning body, the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, also says that it will undertake test runs in 2017 to pave the way for 90mph operation on selected routes, with the full support of operator DB Cargo.
The Trust says the Mk 3s will be extensively refurbished and fitted with Controlled Emission Toilets, at-seat power sockets, and that configuration is being given to equipping them with WiFi.
Although the final configuration of the train is yet to be decided, it will include kitchen vehicles to provide meals for up to 250 First Class dining passengers, a new support coach, and a service vehicle with generator and staff accommodation. The train will also carry sufficient water to extend the steam locomotive’s range to around 200 miles.
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John Alborough - 05/10/2016 13:50
But they already have controlled emission toilet. They are already "extensively refurbished". They already have wifi. And what a shame that the very last AGA kitchen car has just been converted to a standard class micro-buffet
Noam Bleicher - 06/10/2016 10:30
What a shameful waste of modern stock. Mk IIIs coming off lease with Abellio and FGW should be put to work immediately on Cross Country to address the capacity crisis there, with Cl 68 or 88 haulage. Surely there is some Mk II stock somewhere that could be used for steam charters?
Gizzy - 06/10/2016 11:38
I guess because Tornado is built to modern standards and equipped with air brakes, the Mk 3 LHCS are the ideal vehicles for a first class quality experience that the A1SLT want to provide for their customers. As one who travelled on a Steam Dreams Tour earlier this year in Mk 2 coach no 5200, with no air con, I can for one see why they would want to do this? There will be plenty of ex AGA Mk 3 vehicles around to be used by other operators. They had the Virgin 'Pretenderlino' rake to augment their existing stock of Mk 3 coaches....
Chris - 06/10/2016 12:48
MkIIIs are great carriages to ride in, one of the plus points being noise insulation. Perhaps they are the only realistic choice, however the very effective sound insulation means that the whole experience of the noise (and separately, smell) of riding behind a steam loco is lost - it might as well be anything on the front end!
Michael r smith - 07/04/2020 16:58
Personally I think passengers on AGA are going to really miss the MK3s when there withdrawn, my experience of "modern" rolling stock compares rather badly what with cramped and hard seats lack of room due to the modern cram them in philosophy. I really miss them on other routes . A sad day .
mr. malcolm oates - 19/08/2020 11:04
the whole point of travelling with mk 1 coaches is being able to open the windows and here and smell the steam loco. POINTLESS travelling in air conditioned coaches with no windows. steam enthusiasts WE NEED TO PROTEST NOW. regards malcolm