The Government has responded to concerns raised by the House of Commons Select Committee on the High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill in its First Special Report on December 17 2015, regarding compensation for property owners affected by the construction of HS2.
Among its responses, the Government says it will undertake a review of the language in the Need to Sell (NTS) scheme, in order to “reduce the perception of it being uninviting or daunting in terms of the evidential requirements of the application process”. Revisions are due to be completed in time for the launch of Phase 2a’s NTS process.
It also says that reasons such as accessibility to schools, the need to be close to a new business venture, and applicants with infirmities who were struggling with stairs are all potentially valid reasons for being able to demonstrate a compelling need to sell, and that it will communicate this to the NTS panel.
On the issue of rateable value, for which the limit is currently set at £34,800, the Government says it considers the current arrangements are suitable.
The G government has also promised to write to all relevant MPs on the line of route and provide specific details of HS2 staff who can assist them with constituents applying for NTS.
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david mundy - 11/02/2016 17:14
I live along the HS2 route and why should I have to give a reason for selling my house!!!!!!