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Council leader angry about ‘unreliable and unpopular’ Class 37s on Cumbrian Coast

A senior leader at Barrow Borough Council has blasted the “unreliable” Class 37/4 diesel locomotives that operate a limited number of passenger services on the Cumbrian Coast line for diminishing the line’s appeal for commuters.

Speaking exclusively to RAIL, Brendan Sweeney, Vice Chair of Barrow Borough Council, said the ‘37s’ – which have been operated for Northern by Direct Rail Services (DRS) along with a rake of Mk2 coaches and a Driving Brake Standard Open (DBSO) since 2015 owing to late cascades of DMUs from other parts of the country – have “been a disaster”.

At present, DRS has a contract to provide Northern with two sets of locomotives and carriages until January 6 2019.

“The ‘37s’ are definitely putting people off from using the railways. One of the biggest local users is the commuter traffic to Sellafield from Barrow,” Sweeney told RAIL. “Around 550 people travel and they have the alternative of by going by car. Previously the problem was overcrowding, but it isn’t an issue anymore because the ‘37s’ are so unreliable and unpopular.”

He added: “They weren’t a bad idea in that they’ve been running successfully on freight with DRS on the nuclear trains, but they were never designed for stop-start working.”

He also complained about the noise of the locomotives: “The other issue we’ve had is the noise of the damn things. Because of the reliability issues, the first service is at 0543 with the ‘37s’ from Barrow with DRS starting them up an hour and a half before that. Plus there’s the exhaust fumes; it’s like having a vintage car that doesn’t need its MOT. The railway is hiding behind very old legislation, back from the days of steam, which prevents environmental health people putting any pressure on them to improve things.”

“It’s unacceptable what people have to live with it in Barrow. On the first working day after Christmas they started up at five past midnight because they had been stood for several days. That’s not on at all.”

DRS/Northern introduced top and tailed Class 68s on March 12, replacing one '37'-powered diagram.

Sweeney welcomed the extra reliabilty the newer locomotives would bring to the Cumbrian Coast line, but pointed out it would come at the expense of a coach in order for the rake to fit in station platforms and called on Northern/DRS to provide more clarity: “It is not clear how long the ‘68s’ will be with us and if, or when, we will see Barrow free of the ‘37s’,” he told RAIL. “Topping and tailing is clearly very wasteful of locos and fuel, as they are hauling 85 tonnes of dead weight. “I wish we could have upgraded DBSOs paired with ‘68s’ on both sets.”

  • For the FULL story, read RAIL 849, available now.

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  • FrankH - 04/04/2018 13:12

    Good old councilor, never happy.

  • Kyle - 08/04/2018 01:44

    you can't have it all ways, the amount of money it would cost, and time, to upgrade the DBSO for multiple working with the class 68 isn't worth it for either Northern or DRS. He should be glad there is at least a train service, it would be easier for Northern to say "sod it we can only do a 3 times a day service"

  • John Lloyd - 26/04/2018 23:41

    I have just spent the day traveling on the cumbrian coast line. 1 class 37 5 mins late another observed on time. Class 68 train on time. Caught 2 class 153s one 10 mins late the other 45 mins late. The next one cancelled. 2 coach 153 uncomfortable noisy. Busy. Loco hauls quiet smooth plenty of room 4 coaches.subs 20 extra passengers revenue rail enthusiasts. I presume this person has never travelled by train. What he ought to be doing is asking why is it that London gets many times the investment in rail per head of pipulaytion. With billions being spent on orders for new trains for guess where?

  • D.Jennings - 24/05/2018 14:39

    You just can't please some people, can you? Superior ride quality; massive window area to admire the scenery, and everyone gets a table. Not good enough? Maybe it should be timetabled as a heritage train, with a £5-£20 supplement payable, depending on the journey!

  • A.scott - 23/07/2018 14:04

    Class 68 are also noisey and Smokey.

  • Monty - 22/11/2018 13:00

    As a regular user I prefer the Class 37 hauled service. This councillor doesn't know what he's talking about. The overcrowding has been solved as the trains are LONGER. They are spacious and comfortable in spite of their age. The platform issue is rubbish too because often the loco goes beyond the platform, so it is a non-issue.

  • stephen eastwood - 22/01/2019 16:36

    the class 37 and oll the other diels made in uk are the best i say

  • Steve Hammond aye. - 17/03/2019 17:48

    Steve Hammond Kaye chirps in with Obviously a sad little man from Barrow! Who cares, we still love the beautiful Class 37's!

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