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TRU electrifies the Pennines route and fits ETCS

Ravensthorpe, where then-Rail Minister Huw Merriman took part in a ceremony last December, the same month the full £3.9 billion scheme was formally announced. In future, Ravensthorpe will be home to a flying junction. TransPennine Express 802212 rolls towards the station in February 2021. MIKE BROOK.

Due for completion in 2035, the TRU will cut journey times, improve reliability and increase capacity. Chris Howe looks at the project’s progress and its significant infrastructure challenges and improvements.

The Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) promises to transform rail travel across the Pennines, benefiting long-distance east-west railway journeys and local services between Manchester, Leeds and York.

The first meaningful proposal to electrify the main route across the Pennines was put forward in 2012, when details of the Control Period 5 HLOS (High Level Output Specification) were announced. However, the outputs of the CP5 HLOS were not delivered in full and plans for the Pennines were deferred to CP6 (2019-24).

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